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HDWShare - Hentai Doujin Works guide.

This is an adult doujin works information site from Japan for overseas.

賞金獵人-菲歐娜,長年搜捕「獨眼魔獸」的蹤跡,在得知「獨眼」可能藏在神明墓場-「吞神之地」,便隻身闖入,但⋯「吞神之地」的黑暗力量遠超她的想像,恐懼開始籠罩並吞噬她的身體,如發情般的淫叫聲,也開始響徹這片深淵禁地⋯ [DLsite.com]
吞神之地 [第一話] By Owl Wolf

Price:220 JPY (As of 2024/10/03)

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Circle Name:Owl Wolf  Works
Release date:Aug/30/2024 0
Product format:Manga 
File format:JPEG / PDF file 
Supported languages:Chinese Traditional 
Genre:Successive Orgasms / Petite / Magical Girl / Internal Cumshot / Beast Buddies / Big Breasts / Insect Sex / Ryona / Brutal 
File size: 98.61MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)




[頁數] 18頁
[格式] 彩色編繪
[主創] 梟狼
[協力] 侍豹[姓名] 菲歐娜/弒母者
[年齡] 不詳
[種族] 人族(已被流放)
[職業] 賞金獵人/曾經是神輝女武士團
[能力] 神武技、劍技、光系魔法

曾經是人族七大王國-血鷹國的公主,亡國後被各國通緝,流亡成為黑市的賞金獵人,許多年來一直在找尋「獨眼魔獸」的下落。[姓名] 魔狗
[年齡] 千歲以上
[種族] 魔族
[職業] 吞神之地-守門者/曾經是魔王軍團
[能力] 操作蠕蟲、肉體技擊


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吞神之地 [第一話]


吞神之地 [第一話]


吞神之地 [第一話]


吞神之地 [第一話]


吞神之地 [第一話]


If you acquire the works introduced on this site in a way other than the regular method, you may be asked for damages from the right holder of the works. This site is intended to promote buy the works to the user who downloaded it illegally of the works.
* This site is not a reach site. All works information on our site is posted with permission of the distributor. There is no illegal content.


If you obtain the works described on this site by an unauthorized method such as BitTorrent, you may be sued by the right holder of the works even if you live outside Japan. This site is not a reach site.

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