This work is currently available in the following languages:
- English
Price:660 JPY (As of 2024/09/29)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | Hentai game girls Works |
Release date: | Sep/07/2024 0 |
Age: | R18 |
Product format: | Action / Music |
File format: | Application |
Supported languages: | Japanese / English |
Genre: | Consensual Sex |
File size: | 108.06MB |
Summary [By
Hentai Samba Lady action game ヘンタイサンバレディアクションゲーム
It is a hentai action game with erotic scenes. The full game has 5 stages with 5 different enemies, each with 2 different hentai animations ingame. Compatible with most versions of Windows-PC.
It has 5 songs .
All characters in the game are fictional and all content, including music, was created by the author himself.
Installation Instructions:
Unzip the file to any folder
Then click "Samba lady.exe" to launch it.
エロシーンのあるヘンタイアクションゲームです。ゲーム全体は 5 つのステージで構成され、5 種類の敵が登場し、それぞれに 2 種類のヘンタイアニメーションがあります。Windows PC のほとんどのバージョンと互換性があります。
5 曲あります。
次に、「Samba lady.exe」をクリックして起動します。
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This site is not a reach site. All works information on our site is posted with permission of the distributor. There is no illegal content.
TOP10 Ranking of 07/09/2024 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.